Eventually we get to the end of the story, now we miss the most important, but easiest of all components: the compliance checking monitor. As a design choice I targeted the unit monitor to the generic windows operating system class, I set it to disable and used a bunch of overrides to set the correct properties for the different baselines. This way I just have one single monitor that applies to all windows operating system and it is implemented via overrides for the supported baselines. If you need to add a baseline just add a new override for such an operating system (obviously as far as the generic checks we implemented are valid for that operating system, you should recall that we decided to use vbscript to remain as generic as possible).
The monitor itself is just an instantiation of our unit monitor type where we set the alerting part using our handy “Message” property . The script will set the message property to a list of missing fixes or operating system version mismatch or wsh version mismatch. I know this breaks localization in terms of alert description but as long as the alert parameters substitution is implemented the way it is, I can’t see a better way to do this.