To see what options are available at this point pipe it Get-Member and you will see a nice list of properties/methods available to the object in the pipe line.
An Important Note to make at this point, what is in the pipeline right now are objects, and can still be massaged with PowerShell very easily. So you could sort by DisplayName and then just dump it out to a table just showing display name.
Examples of what is described above:
Import-Module OperationsManager
# To find out what options are available to your output of the list of objects in the group use Get-Member cmdlet
Get-SCOMGroup -DisplayName "Your_Computer_Group_Name" | Get-SCOMClassInstance | Get-Member
# After looking at the Get-Member output we decide that DisplayName will work best
Get-SCOMGroup -DisplayName "Your_Computer_Group_Name" | Get-SCOMClassInstance | Sort DisplayName | Format-Table DisplayName
This is an easy way to get a list of computers that are members of a group. Something that I need to do quite frequently these days.
Hope that this post was helpful.