Because of some issues arising on a large SCOM environment, I decided to work with PowerShell to create and run a script to see if the SCOM Agents has a Failover Management server.
Note: Use PowerShell to your advantage. It is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal.
Start off by getting the members of the "Get-SCOMAgent" PowerShell command
Get-SCOMAgent | Get-Member
You will likely see something like this…
As you see GetFailoverManagementServers is a collection, therefore this method could contain more than one entry. PrimaryManagementServerName is just a simple string property so we don’t have to do anything special.
Here is what the final product is looking like:
Param([string] $parameter)
Import-Module OperationsManager;
$ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue";
If (!($parameter -eq ""))
$agents = Get-SCOMAgent $parameter
$agents = Get-SCOMAgent
ForEach ($agent in $agents)
"=" * 100
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White ("Server Agent: " + " "*40 + $agent.DisplayName);
If (($agent.GetPrimaryManagementServer()).IsGateway -eq $true)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green ("Primary Management Server [Gateway]: " + " "*17 + ($agent.GetPrimaryManagementServer()).DisplayName)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green ("Primary Management Server: " + " "*27 + ($agent.GetPrimaryManagementServer()).DisplayName)
$failover = $agent.GetFailoverManagementServers();
ForEach ($server in $failover)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red ("Failover Server: " + " "*37 + $server.DisplayName)
You can run the script with or without parameters.
.\GetFailoverManagementServer.ps1 ""
Without parameters you will get the info for all of the SCOM Agents. With a parameter you will only get the info for that specific server.
Hope that this post was helpful.
PS: Would like to thank Stefan Roth for the inspiration.
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